The Walk of Faith

This is just driving the stake down deeper . . .
and a deep foundation brings greater stability.
My calmness must be in the knowledge of Gods
presence . . . not in the manifestation of His power.
Covenant of Peace

I know . . .
Christ is dwelling in me.
Christ is my very life.
I have given my burdens to the Lord.
This time on earth is a temporary experience–a learning experience.
Christ, dwelling in me as my very life, can meet my today as well as what lies behind and ahead of me with victory, calmness, and wisdom.

My only hope of meeting each circumstance in my life with stability and serenity and wisdom is to allow Him to meet each circumstance through me. This is a faith walk, and faith is rooted in the mind, not in the emotions.

I am a new creation. I am loved and accepted.

I am in Christ. Resting. Secure. Empowered.

I enter into this covenant agreement with the Lord

on this date:__________________

Signed: ___________________

“The mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken,” says the Lord who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10