Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
There’s a land that I heard of once. . .
Somewhere – blue birds fly
Somewhere my dreams will come true.
Where is MY somewhere? Is there a place so peaceful that the blue birds fly unafraid? Is there a place where my dreams will all come true? Can I know where my rainbow is? I long for a peaceful place where the little skittish bluebirds feel safe and fly around me. I long for a place where I am confident that my dreams will come true. A place where there is a beautiful rainbow so large and colorful that the light coming from it colors my world. Do I have a somewhere . . . somewhere?
Yes. I have a “somewhere” all prepared for me when I finally exit this troublesome world where I am now living. This world kills birds; this place shatters your dreams and revels in seeing them come tumbling down. This place is alive with noise and unhappy people and starving people and scared people, hateful, prejudiced people, unloving, unkind, without compassion. And in despair I bowed my head, there is no peace on earth I said, for hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth good will to men.1 Peace on earth? No. Not now and there never will be. That’s pure fantasy. Wishing for something you would like to have but that you know, within your heart, you will never experience. . . fantasy.
As a child of God I have been promised by God, and He cannot lie2, that He has prepared a place for me . . . a “somewhere” so wonderful, so beautiful that it eludes even my wildest imagination!3 A place where all of my dreams will come true. A place that is filled with colors that I have never even seen! But that’s when I die. I thank Him profusely for that promise, but I’m still in this world and I need something now! Must I wait until death knocks and I leave this world to know the bliss of my “somewhere”?
No. God has already given me my earthly somewhere over the rainbow.4 I can retreat to that place in seconds and be enveloped in peace.5 I can see the bluebirds flying with no fear. I can hear birds singing and see beauty all around me and I can enter this world whenever I want to or need to. Yes, I have to “imagine” it, but when God, Himself, has given this to me, is it all right for me to grab it and hold on like crazy?6 When I’m sitting on the bus at four AM heading for a day of hard work with worldly, insensitive people? Yes. That somewhere is within my reach. When I’m lying in bed sick and lonely? It is there! When I’m worn to a frazzle looking for work? Yes. Yes. Yes. Even as I sit here writing these words that somewhere is mine just for the “thinking”!
In my “somewhere”
He is with me.7
He is holding my hand.8
He cares for me every day as His beloved child.9
He loves me with an everlasting love.10
He hides me in the shadow of His wings.11
He is my Rock, my Fortress, my Hero, my Shield, my place of refuge.12
He lets me lean against Him and He holds me closely,13
and if I need to see the bluebirds they are as close as my thinking.
That “somewhere” is mine and it is yours! Do you really think that He doesn’t know that my world is hurting? He knows everything! He is omniscient! He knows. Not only does He know, He cares. This place somewhere over the rainbow can become so real to me that others will wonder at the light in my eyes, the joy in my heart, and the love that escapes from where the Rainbow is shining within. If you are filled with Light within – with no dark corners – then the outside will be radiant too, as though a floodlight is beamed upon you. (Luke 11:36) Thank You, Jesus, for manifesting Yourself through me.
I have told you these things
that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence.
In the world you have tribulation, trials, distress and frustration, but
but be of good cheer –
take courage,
be confident,
for I have overcome the world,
I have deprived it of power to harm,
I have conquered it for you.
John 16:33 (Amplified Bible)
1 Song: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day: Words Henry W. Longfellow
2 Titus 1:2
3 John 14:2
4 Matthew 11:28
5 John 14:27
6 Psalm 139:1-3 The Living Bible
7 Deuteronomy 31:8
8 Isaiah 41:10
9 Ephesians 1:4 JB Phillips
10 Jeremiah 31:3
11 Psalm 63:7-8
12 Psalm 18:1-3
13 Luke 13:3