And God is able to make ALL grace abound to you. that ALWAYS having ALL sufficiency in EVERYTHING, you may have an ABUNDANCE for every good deed. – 2 Corinthians 9:8 NASB
That’s quite a large promise. Can God do that? Is He dependable?
I had to run a couple of errands early this morning and as I backed out of the driveway I noticed (with great anxiety) that the gas tank icon was flashing on the dashboard. To me that means, GET GAS NOW! IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT WAIT! DO NOT PASS GO! HURRY! (There’s probably enough gas still in the tank to drive thirty more miles, but I don’t know that.) And statements such as the terse ones above have the ability to raise my emotions several notches. So I complete the important errand (getting to the Post Office and mailing an Easter gift to the Grandkids!) done and then head for refueling. A new station with new instructions and Anabel watching to see how it is done, but it is too early for other refuelers. (I know. I should be able to do such things by myself and quickly. So I can’t! I get an “F”! I’m a slow learner.) Anyway, the crisis was averted and I think as I head for home, how much I depend on this pretty red car, and it is very dependable.
Dependability is imperative in our lives and in our relationships with others. Youexpectit to work, that was what it was created for, and if it doesn’t, things can get pretty frustrating and emotionally unstable (minor adjective!) Dependability is vitally important in most jobs – police, doctors, secretary, radio announcers, ambulance drivers, linebackers, and the list is lengthy. Lazy, shiftless, irresponsible, workers don’t have a great deal of tenure.
The Bible assures us that God is dependable. Dependable meanstrustworthy or reliable.Using practical words it means if He says He will,He will- no doubt about it!
I Thessalonians 5:24 (JBP: J.B. Phillips)
He who calls you is utterly faithful and He will finish what He has set out to do.
I Thessalonians 5:24 (TLB: Taylor’s Living Bible)
God, who called you to become His child, will do all this for you, just as He promised.
I Corinthians 1:9 JBP
God is utterly dependable. . .
I Corinthians 1:9 TLB
God will surely do this for you, for He always does just what He says. . ..
You want to question those verses because He hasn’t “come through” for you in your difficult times, right? We have to remember that He is omniscient. He knows — unequivocally– what is best for us. Wethinkwe know, but He sees forever into the future so there is no doubt at all in His mind. We also have to remember that He loves us more than anyone else has ever loved us and is with us constantly to meet life’s tragedies.
With those thoughts seared into our memory banks, we talk to our self and say, “He isdependable!I don’t understand what is happening, but I KNOW that He is dependable!He is dependable! He is dependable. He is dependable. He is dependable!”Say it over and over again and when a thought comes that causes you to question, realize that the Enemy has just walked on stage and refuse that thought. Tell him, with no hesitancy, “Go to hell, Satan! And stay there!”(Kind of fun to throw that around without fear of being reprimanded, isn’t it?)
We make life hard, don’t we? God doesn’t want us to carry the heavy burdens or to face the fiery furnace. He says, “I will do it all for you.”Can we really believe Him?
Lord, for me to question Your dependability is to question Your integrity – to call you a liar. Whoa! No way! I believe You, Lord. May I become as dependable in my relationship with You as You are in Your relationship with me!
[1]Without a shadow of a doubt!