His Love for Me

Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.
II Corinthians 3:5

..for in Him we live and move and exist …
Acts 17:28

Jesus Christ is in my life . . .
there is no other.
The thought of
spending a single day
outside His love
His gentleness
His tenderness
His understanding
His power
is not only frightening
it causes me to despair
to become weak with hopelessness.
How could I ever meet “today”
if I had to do it alone?
For not only do I draw from His strength
but I grasp for His
faithfulness to me
His complete acceptance of me
the peace that I find only in His presence.
For, you see, I’ve come to accept myself because of Him.
I find that I do those things
which are kind and good
loving others
while I bask in His love for me!
All I am or ever hope to be
lies in Him.
Without Him — I am nothing.
With Him — I am everything.
And when I am not “everything”

He loves me still.