Evidence of God’s Love

My dear Lord,
You have proven Yourself
in my life in times past . . .
Your strength
Your provision
Your love.
I am unaware of any of these
facets in my being just now.
(Even Your love seems so . . .
I accept what I have learned
in times past,
not what I am experiencing
at this moment,
and I say
(with trembling heart, ravaged emotions,
and confused mind)
I trust Your wisdom,
Your planning,
Your strength,
asking You only to manifest
Your love to me in
some way. . . .

* * *

I felt Your touch on my cheek as I walked . . .
the breeze
I received Your beautiful love gifts . . .
the tiny flower
the new growth on the trees
the sky
the dove
the many sounds of morning.
Thank You for showing Your love to me.

Deuteronomy 31:8
Ephesians 1:3
James 1:17