A Friend of Jesus

A Friend of Jesus

Matthew 21:17
John 11:5,11
John 11:43


That’s Jesus! I didn’t know they were coming for a visit.

“Mom! Mary and Joseph and Jesus are here!” The two boys had been friends a long time . . . best friends. They enjoyed being together, especially each year when they would all go to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. And then there were the special times–rare, of course–but times like today, when the hours would fly as they grabbed for the seconds and filled every minute.

It’s so much fun when Jesus comes. I have such a good time.

* * *


“Hey! Over here, Jesus!”

“Ask your mother if you can come walk with us so I can tell you about what happened in the Temple today.”

“Is that where they found You? Your folks have been frantic . . . looking for You everywhere. ”

“I’m sorry about worrying them. But it’s all so strange, Lazarus. Can I talk to you about it?”

The two walked along, arms interlocked, growing ever closer as they grew older and shared the secrets of their young lives. Lazarus knew his Friend was someone very special.

* * *


“That’s Jesus, Martha. How good to hear Him. Prepare a special meal for us and we’ll all visit together. By the way, where’s Mary? Get her to help you.

“I’m back here, Jesus. Oh, I’ve missed seeing You. Let’s go to the roof where it’s cool and You can tell me what’s been happening. I’ve been hearing some wonderful reports about Your ministry. And I hear there’s some solid opposition, too. I’ve been anxious to talk with You.”

“It’s good to be with you, Lazarus. Let me go in and say hello to Martha and Mary before we go upstairs.”

* * *


“Mary! Martha! Come quickly! Jesus is here.”

“Hello, dear friend. I’m on my way to Jerusalem and needed to be with you this evening. Can you find room for me?”

“Oh, Jesus, You know You are always welcome in our home. We look forward to Your being here, and I miss you very much. We’ve been friends a long time. There’s no one I feel closer to or that I would rather be with than You. You’re very important in my life.”

* * *


“Lazarus! Come forth!”

Lazarus tried to open his eyes . . . just to think about moving seemed to be an effort. It was as though his arms were bound . . . as though his legs were wrapped. The smell. The dampness. The darkness. And it’s cold.

Jesus? Are You calling me? Where am I? This is like . . . almost like a tomb.


It is Jesus. But He sounds so far away.

Slowly he got to his feet, struggling at the tightly wound burial cloths, remembering vaguely the illness and the last touch from his beloved sisters, groping toward the light that filtered dimly into the blackness.

I’m coming, Jesus. I hear You, dear Friend. I’m moving kind of slowly, but wait on me . . . I need to talk with You about something that happened to me just last week. . . .

* * *

What role did Lazarus play in Jesus’ life? I know Jesus spent a lot of time in Bethany. He must have enjoyed being there. He felt loved. Comfortable. At home. Did He appreciate a clean bed and a hot meal?

Oh, I’m so prone to make You into an “untouchable God” instead of a beloved Friend. And I don’t need–or really want–an untouchable God. I do need a Friend. Someone whose voice is familiar to me. Someone that I long to be with. Someone who misses me and Someone that I miss. Someone that I can lock arms with and we can walk together and talk about things that are important to us.

Lord, I want to be a Lazarus to You.

I want to be Your dear friend.