No More Time to Pray

Seeking answers . . . needing answers . . . crying for answers . . . when action now is essential, unavoidable. There’s no more time for prayer.

What do I do, Lord?

We must study all the teachings and examples of the Lord. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was facing the most difficult experience of His walk on planet Earth. He prayed passionately, entreating the heavenly Father three times to change the circumstances that were before Him. Not six. Not twelve. THREE (Matthew 26:36-46).

He had no more time to pray.

The circumstance was upon Him.

He believed He had Gods answer, so

He arose and pursued the course of action open to Him.

When you are faced with your own “most difficult” experience, you may pray passionately, entreating God to change the circumstances that are before you. But when there is no more time for prayer and action is absolutely essential, you must arise and pursue the course of action open to you.

Remember, Jesus knew the plan (Luke 18:31-33) but still pleaded with God about it in the Garden. And why not? He was facing intense suffering, rejection, pain, humiliating abuse, and death. He received “no” for His answer, but also received grace to meet the coming conflict. So when it came time for action, He was ready: “Arise, let us be going; behold, the one who betrays Me is at hand!”

Remember . . .

We too receive GRACE when God says “no.”