All Scripture

All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;
that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
II Timothy 3: 16-17

I know that verse by memory–have recited it for years. The question is–have I ever analyzed what I was rotely quoting? No, not really.

All Scripture is Inspired by God.

Allscripture? You mean from “In the beginning…” to the last “Amen”? And inspired? So I’m to believe that a man received thoughts that seemed to be extraordinary and thoughts that were foreign to his thinking processes, so he picked up his pen and wrote? And the scribbling that he hastily put down so as to not forget a single pause was inspired by God? Can I fathom that? Can I accept that? The words I read so casually come from the mind of God! If I truly believe that, I should carefully and eagerly read these inspired words and should diligently carry out the clearly defined instructions (as well as the slightly vague, somewhat confusing ones).

That is so incomprehensible, isn’t it? That God communicates with me through the words printed on the onionskin pages of my Bible. God? THE God? Perhaps I have been a trifle negligent–or apathetic–or (the list could go on, but let’s not.)

But what can I profit from reading the Bible? How can reading words written centuries ago be relevant for me in my life today? It’s an entirely different culture. God–and I have accepted Him as God–MY God–He says they are profitable. Isn’t this really all I need to motivate me to read?

Profitable for Teaching

All right. It is profitable to me. In what way? First of all, I learn and as I learn, I gain insight into why, who, what, where (and I sometimes have so many questions along those lines). I formulate my belief system, my body of truth, my philosophy of life. And I learn that it is not the task so much as how I face the task–how to meet life. Is that relevant? Yes! That is very relevant. I need that!

For Reproof

What is that?Generally it’s someone pointing out to me that I blew it! But it can come from within myself if I am open to receive reproof from Him. It is recognizing my mistake, being made aware of what I’ve said or done or thought that was not in keeping with my “teaching” from the “all scripture.” Recognizing sin for what it is and calling it by that name and then changing my M.O. I have been reproved. I have been made aware of something that I am doing wrong, of behavior that is not acceptable, a sin. Now, what must happen?

For Correction

Why, I need Someone to show me how to correct course. What’s the good of knowing I’ve blown it if no one shows me how to do it right? I need Someone to take my hand and guide me–to correct me. I’m to perform differently. This means that as I read these inspired words–all scripture–I will be undergoing a training process.

For training in righteousness

Training, however, is profitable only to an eager, receptive, dedicated student. So, the ball is in my court now. What am I going to do with it? Am I ready to be trained in righteousness? What does that mean? A simple definition for righteous is understanding that I am all right with God. He has declared ME righteous! And as a righteous person, I begin to understand just what righteousness is according to God.I’ll have to “unlearn” some things, i.e. I must work to become righteous. No. It is nothing I can accomplish. He made me righteous.

I really need to ponder this training in righteousness. It’s one of those “life-changing” things that happen to me when I become a Christian. Everything preceding in the verse has been more or less just information, but now it’s decision time. Do I want to finish the verse?

I have decided. Proceed.

That the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

I have been trained by all scripture how a man of God should live. I need to accept my new and true identity: Anabel–a righteous “man” of God–complete! Oh, the wonderful assets that are mine as I take advantage of all Scripture! I may not feel righteous or complete, but then I’m not going to let my feelings control me. They don’t have the ability to think; they are very undependable! So I’m standing here, a righteous “man” of God, complete. I have been provided with what I need–provisions, swords and shields, knapsack and tent. So I have been equipped. That’s well and good, but equipped for what?

Good works–and that means living outside my world. But I mustn’t start categorizing good works. They can’t be put into a box. They are unique for each individual according to their own private world. But let’s not be concerned about what they are, the neat thing is that I am equipped to do them! The God who gives me an awareness of the needs as I look and touch and listen and feel has given me everything I need to carry out His instructions to the most minute detail. God made me. God knows me–inside out–every little idiosyncrasy. He knows what will “profit” me maximally, what will bring fulfillment and contentment into my life, and what will give me purpose for living in my world every day.

All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

And to think…I’ve been quoting that verse all these years and didn’t know what wonders were in store with all those inspired words!