You are the Battleground

How I pray that these thoughts will be a source of strength to you, for you, and through you (and all of those are different). Ponder them carefully, prayerfully. Listen, the Lord is talking to you. . . .

Do you see that the Life in you that the enemy longs to crush is the same as it was when I threw him from Heaven? His battle is against Me’you are the battleground.

I am conforming your soul into the likeness of Christ. Because Satan, as the Deceiver, knows what that will mean for him, he uses all of his resources against that goal of Mine. He attacks through whatever circumstance he can to defeat My plan and so keep you from setting your mind on My provision for the battle. His goal is to keep you from becoming conformed to the image of My Son and to keep you from walking by faith.

You are no threat to Satan as you accept his lies and temptations, but as you come closer and closer to the image he battles more intensely. His goal is and always has been to crush Jesus Christ. That is why I provided a way for you to die and be “born again,” thus creating your New Life in Christ Jesus. He is the One who will do battle. But you must let Him and trust Him.

Dear One, you are My creation. I dwell within you. You must begin to realize: The battle is Mine, not yours! I have delivered you.

Your salvation is in Christ Jesus . . .

His Life in you is your victory . . .

His strength is what will win the battle that rages against your mind as the enemy seeks to destroy’longs to destroy’the temple of God . . . YOU!

Psalms 25:4-5
John 16:33
Romans 8:28-29
I Corinthians 6:19
Ephesians 2:10
Philippians 4:13