So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn, And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth.
Hosea 6:3
Lord, I want to talk with You this morning.
The verse says that Your “going forth” is as certain as the dawn, so I’m confident that You’re here with me. And this bare winter ground is ready to drink in the early rain with a soft, pliable heart–and with her face upturned.
Your Word tells me that You know my every thought, so You must be available to me. You’re ready to converse with me on a lot of subjects that no one knows about except You–very personal, very deep subjects that I wouldn’t want to share with anyone else. You know what I’m thinking. You know what I would like to say but can’t. You know why I’m hesitant to bring up certain thoughts. You know me.
The question I’m concerned about is this: Am I available to You? Do I know You well enough to talk with You?
Well, Your Word is You. Your thoughts, written down. But sometimes You place a distinct thought between the lines and say to me, “Do you understand this verse, Anabel? Let Me explain it to you.” Or, “Can You see this from My perspective?”
Sometimes You draw a mental picture for me that opens a file I had never thought of opening, making a passage relevant to me and to my world–now. How I love for You to do that . . . and I start cross-referencing, probing, finding out what Your thoughts are about the subject, getting to know You a little better.
I really don’t want to spend our time together telling You about all my problems and making suggestions as to how You should take care of them. You know my needs before I even ask.
No, this time is just for You and for me. I want to know You, Lord. I want to be able to converse with You on some of Your favorite topics. Please talk to me. I love being with You and listening to Your voice.
And thank You, Lord Jesus, for making this awesome, powerful, infinite, all-knowing God an approachable Father.